- Sex Clubs⬤
- Studio Oriental 1
Studio Oriental 1
Αποκλειστικό σεξ κλαμπ Studio Oriental 1 σε Αθήνα
- Δημιουργ.:02-03-2023
- Τροποποί.:02-03-2023
- Προβολές:14476
- Αυτο το μηνα:366
Αποκλειστικό σεξ κλαμπ Studio Oriental 1 σε Αθήνα
Our Services
Our Studio depending on the girl has a wide range of offered programs capable of satisfying any of your wishes.
- Basic program
- Basic program & stop 69
- Basic program & Spanish
- Basic program & footwork
- Basic program & massage
- Basic Autocratic*
- Basic program & sex show** & massage
- Anal***
- Full program (with all services of the girl)
- Special domineering & foot lust****
- Full program with special authoritarian
- 1 hour program with all services of the girl and 2 relaxations
* Use of sex accessories, role play/submission (girl in active role)
** Games with sex aids on the part of the girl (vibrators), strip show
*** Anal no all the girls offer
**** In the bossy / foot lust special, simple sex is also included - ***** Our basic program includes foreplay, girl's oral sex on you and sex in all positions
- The cost for programs with the participation of 2 girls is twice the original program of your choice.
- For something extra, some fantasy of yours, etc. you can either make an appointment in advance with the girl or the service of the studio (all rooms have an internal telephone connected to the area of the girls and the service) or even contact us by mail. - - All our services without exception are always provided with the use of a condom.
Our Studio depending on the girl has a wide range of programs offered able to satisfy any of your desires.
- Basic program
- Basic program & attitude 69
- Basic program & Spanish
- Basic program & foot lust
- Basic program & massage
- Basic Authoritarian *
- Basic program & sex show ** & massage
- Anal ***
- Full program (with all the services of the girl)
- Special authoritarian & foot lust ****
- Full program with special authoritarian
- 1 hour program with all the services of the girl and 2 ejaculation
* Use of erotic accessories, role-playing / submission games (the girl in an active role)
** Toys with erotic aids by the girl (dildos), strip show
*** Not all girls offer anal
**** The special authoritarian / foot lust also includes simple sex
***** Our basic program includes preliminary games, oral sex of the girl towards you and sex in all positions
- The cost for programs with the participation of 2 girls is twice the initial program of your choice.
- For something extra, some of your fantasies etc you can either arrange in advance with the girl or the studio service (all rooms have an internal phone connected to the girls' area and the service) or even contact us by mail.
- All our services without exception are always provided with the use of a condom.
SMS & Κλήσεις
SMS & Κλήσεις
Τοποθεσίες εργασίας
Ώρες εργασίας
- Δευτέρα: 10:00 - 05:00
- Τρίτη: 10:00 - 05:00
- Τετάρτη: 10:00 - 05:00
- Πέμπτη: 10:00 - 05:00
- Παρασκευή: 10:00 - 05:00
- Σάββατο: 10:00 - 10:00
- Κυριακή: 10:00 - 05:00

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